Bambi Buttons vs Hanz Vanderkill

Bambi has been wrestling since she was 12 and comes from a family of wrestlers.
She’s a bikini competitor with both power lifting and Olympic lifting experience.
She also has BJJ and Muay Thai training.
She’s the the epitome of dynamite comes in small packages.
Today she takes on Hanz and is expecting to kick some ass!
Despite giving a foot in height and 50lbs, Bambi attacks eagerly wrapping Hanz up in a tight headlock not afraid to muscle it out as Hanz tries to get his legs around her. Eventually she tries to bring her own powerful legs into play wrapping them around Hanz any way she can.
The first couple of falls are definitely playful in tone as one wrestler manages to score two squeezing submissions.
After that, however, the competitiveness of both of them starts to take over as the other comes roaring back with a quick and decisive submission of their own to get on the board.
The match becomes more and more a power struggle as both try to wear the other down with their strength.
Multiple times both are subjected to the squeeze power of each others legs drawing multiple submissions on both sides!
Bambi is able to sneak in more than one well executed arm bar that draws instant tap outs. Hanz finds some interesting submission locks of his own including a vicious leg spread that has Bambi loudly submitting and a twisted yoga-style anaconda hold.
It’s a high scoring match that remains competitive throughout.
In the end one wrestler manages to outscore the other but both fighters have plenty of moments to shine in momentary dominate over their challenger!
Who will be the better wrestler today?
Bambi Buttons – 5’0 120lbs
Hanz VanderKill – 6’1 170 lbs
- TITLE: Bambi Buttons vs Hanz Vanderkill
- Money Back Guarantee if this product is not as described!
- RELEASED ON FWC: February 16th 2020
- If you are a Monthly or Yearly Member you will get an automatic 10 percent off if you are logged in when purchasing this video and 25 percent off for Lifetime Legacy Members!
- FALLS: Multiple
- DURATION: 21 minutes and 30 seconds
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